Clenergy has grown from being a boutique solar solutions provider into a passionate, globally renowned renewable energy company with nearly 400 employees and offices around four continents. Clenergy’s products and services have become synonymous with quality and innovation, delivering a wide range of solutions to the industry. As the mounting systems industry benchmarks, the company invests heavily in research, development, service, people and partners to drive continued success.

Tin Roof 1 / 2 kW Pack

  • 10 Feet / 16 Feet
  • 4.2 Rail x 2/4
  • Panel Clip x 8/16
  • Rail Splice x 2/2
  • Earthing lug x 2/2
  • Universal Clamp with Grounding x 10/18

Tile Roof 1 / 2 kW Pack

  • 10 Feet / 18 Feet
  • 4.2 Rail x 2/4
  • Panel Clip x 8/16
  • Rail Splice x 2/2
  • Earthing lug x 2/2
  • Universal Clamp with Grounding x 10/18

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